Know Some Interesting Facts About Recruiter Confidentiality
The aspect of confidentiality among the manpower recruiting companies has become a great concern for the job-seeking community. As explained by the experts from some of the leading labour-hire companies in Sydney, recruiters are not only responsible for maintaining sensitive information about the job seekers but also should protect that information under rules governing confidentiality. Read further to know some intricacies involved in maintaining confidential information about the candidates who are seeking jobs at all levels.
Why hire a labour hire agency?
Though many employers hire labour hire agencies for the purpose of saving time and cost, the real purpose seems to keep the search strictly confidential. There are many reasons that can be quoted for such hiring; the real impetus lies in keeping the position or job under the radar. Most employers hire these recruiting companies to fill the jobs for senior positions. In such cases, the recruiters ought to maintain the confidentiality of the candidates who generally come from the competitors.
● Pre-employment checks: With the increasing rise of many unethical practices by employees due to several reasons, it is mandatory for the employees to conduct pre-employment checks during the recruitment process. This activity is professionally executed by most of the organized recruiters so that they save time for their clients and recommend quality candidates as per the needs of the clients. These pre-recruitment checks include the compilation of documents such as academic records, employment history, social media profile, and the credit history of the job seekers.
● Follow the local Laws: In general, the recruiters, as well as the employers, need to follow the local laws prevailing in the country. Most of the Laws under The Privacy Act restrict the recruiters not to collect any data of the job seekers that are irrelevant for the advertised job. In the case of any need of such details of any sensitive information, the recruiter has to seek the consent of the job seeker. Professional recruiters across the globe follow and comply with these legal requirements in order to earn trust from both employers and job seekers.
● Check the privacy policy of the recruiter: Many candidates fail to check the privacy policy adopted by the recruiting companies. It is mandatory for these companies to have a clear privacy policy as prescribed by the local authorities. It is always wise for job seekers to check this policy in order to get the confidence of the recruiter during the entire recruitment process. Employers who are hiring these companies should also check this policy of the recruiter before signing any agreement.
● Never go for multiple recruiters: Many employers, as well as job seekers, go for multiple recruiters in order to get the best results. This is not a good practice as such an action can increase the risk of privacy of job seekers and employers. Hence, it is always wise to go with a single recruiter at a time so that a better success rate is achieved. Read the reviews on the Internet to find the right recruiter in the local area. According to experts, the aspect of privacy can be easily breached while using such multiple recruiters. It is wise to settle with a good recruiter who has a clear privacy policy.
That said, about the role of recruiters in maintaining confidentiality, every manpower recruiting agency should have the moral and ethical responsibility of following the laws stipulated by the concerned local authorities. The professionalism shown by the reputed recruiters like labour solutions Sydney is of high order in maintaining the details of every job seeker. Also, the employees of these companies are given periodic confidentiality training that will help in enhancing the credibility and operational integrity of these recruiting organizations.